Thursday, July 9, 2015

રોગ અનુસાર યોગ , કમર નો દુખાવો .

કમર નો  દુખાવો
અર્ધ ચંદ્રાસન
કટી ચક્રાસન
મકરાસન - 1 , -2 , -3
1/2 કન્ધ્રાસન
માર્ક્તાસન -1 , -2 , -3
એક પાદ ઉથ્થનાસન
1/2 પવનમુક્તાસન -1, -2, -3

accupressure points  : nail of third finger.
accupressure Points : backside of  "second and third finger"  bentween  "first and econd  knuckle"

પેટ નો દુખાવો , મધુ પ્રમેહ , પિચોટી ? (નાભી અટકવી ?)

પૂર્ણ પવન મુક્તાસન (માથું ઉચકવું , બંને પગ ઘુંટણ માં થી વાળી હાથ થી પકડી છાતિ ને લગાડવા )
કમર દર્દ વાળા લોકો આ આસન ના કરવું
પૂર્ણ ઉત્તાન્પાદાસન (બંને પગ 1 ફૂટ જેટલા ઊંચા કરવા અને 5-10 second ઉચા રાખવા (જમીન થી  વધારે પગ  ઉપર રાખવા સહેલું છે પણ  ફાયદો નથી
પૂર્ણ કન્ધારાસન
પાદાન્ગુસ્થા નાસ સ્પર્શાસન  uder rog or pichoti

move hands from shoulder ball and socket clockwise and anti clock =wise

Back ache
ardh chandrasan
kati chakrasan
makrasan 1- 2- 3
1.2 kandharasan
markatasan 1, 2 , 3
ek paad uthanasan
pavan muktasan
1/2 pavan muktasan
twelewe asans

પેટ નો દુખાવો
pain in stomach and pichoti and  diabetes
pavan muktasan - with raising the heand (both legs up, knees join with chest ) - not to be done by people who have back pain
 full uttanpaad asan (both legs , raise it only by 1 feet or 15 degree
kandharasan - full
paadangusthan nasa sparsh - uder rog or pichoti

માંન્દૂકાસન , below buyyon for sotmach pain, above button for diabetes, stop at front position
the flat of hand over button for diabetes
પદ્માસન અથવા  સુખાસન
padmasan maa pith paachal thee hath
padmasan kari be haath uper ucha tahavanu

અનુલોમ, ભ્રામરી ,  ઉદ્ગીત,અર્જુન

shavasan - Yog nindra

Friday, July 3, 2015

oral health, , children and tooth paste with SLS

For decades most tooth paste manufacturers have used sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in their tooth paste . it is added because SLS makes more froth that help dissolve plaque.
however SLS has side effects which are very serious especially when swallowed .
the health of young children can be seriously affected by such toothpaste.

it is best to use fresh "Datun" , twigs from neem or other trees ,
if that is not practical, use tooth-poweder 
and if that is not possible then only one should use toothpaste, and in such cases it is best to avoid tooth paste that contains SLS.
SLS is blamed for everything from ulcers to cancer , some of these claims may be exaggerated however one thing is clear : SLS is harmful and it should be avoided.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Skin diseases

Kayakalp vati from patanjali is ideal for skin diseases

Turmeric - eating 10-15 Gms of turmeric every morning on empty stomach

Green onions - application of green onion extract on affected area will help cure skin  problems

Sisam - boil 1kg of sisam wood in 4 kg of water, boil till

mahanimb -  khujali , daad, . crush the leaves and extract juice . apply it to the affected area
mahanimb leaves is one of the content in kayakalp vati
