Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

Turmeric: The Return of The Golden Goddess

Post date:

Thursday, December 22, 2011 - 10:09

by Sayer Ji, founder of

Ancient Indians understood turmeric to be the physical essence of the Divine Mother. Modern science now confirms that it has therapeutic properties relevant to well over 500 health conditions, and may bestow on those who take it, protection from many common causes of suffering.

The author has personally reviewed the majority of 4,000+ biomedical citations on turmeric and its primary polyphenol curcumin, available to view on the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic reference database known as MEDLINE (and searchable through engines like, and has been awed by how diverse, powerful and seemingly ideally suited this spice is for addressing the broad range of diseases and/or disease symptoms that commonly afflict our species.

One of the novel findings that emerged in the author's comprehensive review of turmeric is that it expresses over 150 distinct benefical actions, describable in terms of traditional pharmacological pathways, e.g. interleukin-6 down-regulator, apoptotic, cyclooxygenase inhibitor, etc. During the indexing process the image emerged of a many-armed Goddess, due to how diverse, intelligent and simultaneous are this spice's healing gifts. In fact, from the perspective of monochemical-oriented pharmacology, a drug with more than 10 simultaneously therapeutic actions, and without the vast array of adverse, unintended side effects commonly associated with novel, patentable chemicals, turmeric would represent an impossible, miraculous entity, which if patentable, would generate more revenue than all the blockbuster drugs on the market put together.

After some reflection on the mass of data that accumulated on turmeric's ability to alleviate suffering, the question emerged: are these many "evidence-based," scientific studies really just exoteric descriptions of "compassion" and "intelligence"? Are we now rediscovering through the optic of modern science -- albeit through the reductionist and inherently animal sacrifice-based methodology of empirical science -- the "spirit" of herbs like turmeric, whose very existence represent a kind of surplus of benevolent, regenerative energy that permeates the universe, bestowing its grace upon its inhabitants/creations? Is this not what the ancients meant, or saw, when they described the spice in Sanskrit as “Gauri” (“The One Whose Face is Light and Shining”) and “Kanchani” (“Golden Goddess”)?

Our turmeric database on (and by "our" I mean yours, as well, as this is an open source project) now contains the world's largest archive of biomedical data on the subject of turmeric's medical value, and includes voluminous research on turmeric's potential to prevent and/or treat multi-drug resistance cancers, chronic degenerative conditions, neurological problems, depression, serious infections, as well as hundreds of other diseases. Please share this information with others, especially those who need an "evidence-bridge" connecting ancient healing wisdom with the modern scientific approach.

The information given in this web site is for general guidance only. The individuals must consult competent advisers. The material provided here is not intended to be personal and professional advice. the reader must not use the information to diagnose or treat a health problem. the advice is not expected to replace advice of a qualified Doctor for such treatment.  people using the information given in this web site is doing so at his/her own risk. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sugar control - karela, kheera, tomato and amla

I have tried juice of karela, kheera, tomato and amla for controlling blood sugar
My fasting Blood Sugar came down from 120s to 90 after taking this juice continuously .

Dinesh N.

The information given in this web site is for general guidance only. The individuals must consult competent advisers. The material provided here is not intended to be personal and professional advice. the reader must not use the information to diagnose or treat a health problem. the advice is not expected to replace advice of a qualified Doctor for such treatment.  people using the information given in this web site is doing so at his/her own risk.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The effect of ghee (clarified butter) on serum lipid levels and microsomal lipid peroxidation

Article has been published on the site Ayujournal;year=2010;volume=31;issue=2;spage=134;epage=140;aulast=Sharma

according to Aturved , The ancient science for maintain good health , the use of appropriate amount of Ghee (clarified butter)  reduced bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

The article on the link above provides detailed  study for the same.

The information given in this web site is for general guidance only. The individuals must consult competent advisers. The material provided here is not intended to be personal and professional advice. the reader must not use the information to diagnose or treat a health problem. the advice is not expected to replace advice of a qualified Doctor for such treatment.  people using the information given in this web site is doing so at his/her own risk. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke

please read the following message that i copied from yahoo health
while most of us are safe from point 2 and 4 , our excessive used of food items mentioned in point 1,3 and 5 does raise risk for us all

Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke -- when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients -- is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.
1. Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats, which are hydrogenated oils popular with commercial bakeries because they stay solid at room temperature, so the products don't require refrigeration. Also listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated" or hydrogenated oils, trans fats are found in all kinds of snack foods, frozen foods, and baked goods, including salad dressings, microwave popcorn, stuffing mixes, frozen tater tots and French fries, cake mixes, and whipped toppings. They're also what makes margarine stay in a solid cube. The worst offenders are fried fast foods such as onion rings, French fries, and fried chicken.
Why it's bad
For years scientists have known trans fats are dangerous artery-blockers, upping the concentrations of lipids and bad cholesterol in the blood and lowering good cholesterol. Now we can add stroke to the list of dangers. This year researchers at the University of North Carolina found that women who ate 7 grams of trans fat each day -- about the amount in two doughnuts or half a serving of French fries -- had 30 percent more strokes (the ischemic type, caused by blocked blood flow to the brain) than women who ate just 1 gram a day. Another recent study, also in women, found that trans fats promoted inflammation and higher levels of C-reactive protein, which have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
What to do
Aim to limit trans fats to no more than 1 or 2 grams a day -- and preferably none. Avoid fast-food French fries and other fried menu items and study packaged food labels closely. Even better, bake your own cookies, cakes, and other snacks. When you can't, search out "health-food" alternative snacks, such as Terra brand potato chips and traditional whole grain crackers such as those made by Finn, Wasa, AkMak, Ryvita, and Lavasch.
2. Smoked and processed meats
Whether your weakness is pastrami, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, or a smoked turkey sandwich, the word from the experts is: Watch out.
Why it's bad
Smoked and processed meats are nasty contributors to stroke risk in two ways: The preserving processes leave them packed with sodium, but even worse are the preservatives used to keep processed meats from going bad. Sodium nitrate and nitrite have been shown by researchers to directly damage blood vessels, causing arteries to harden and narrow. And of course damaged, overly narrow blood vessels are exactly what you don't want if you fear stroke.
Many studies have linked processed meats to coronary artery disease (CAD); one meta-analysis in the journal Circulation calculated a 42-percent increase in coronary heart disease for those who eat one serving of processed meat a day. Stroke is not the only concern for salami fans; cancer journals have reported numerous studies in the past few years showing that consumption of cured and smoked meats is linked with increased risk of diabetes and higher incidences of numerous types of cancer, including leukemia.
What to do
If a smoked turkey or ham sandwich is your lunch of choice, try to vary your diet, switching to tuna, peanut butter, or other choices several days a week. Or cook turkey and chicken yourself and slice it thin for sandwiches.
How to Tell if Someone Is Having a Stroke
3. Diet soda
Although replacing sugary drinks with diet soda seems like a smart solution for keeping weight down -- a heart-healthy goal -- it turns out diet soda is likely a major bad guy when it comes to stroke.
Why it's bad
People who drink a diet soda a day may up their stroke risk by 48 percent. A Columbia University study presented at the American Stroke Association's 2011 International Stroke Conference followed 2,500 people ages 40 and older and found that daily diet soda drinkers had 60 percent more strokes, heart attacks, and coronary artery disease than those who didn't drink diet soda. Researchers don't know exactly how diet soda ups stroke risk -- and are following up with further studies -- but nutritionists are cautioning anyone concerned about stroke to cut out diet soda pop.
What to do
Substitute more water for soda in your daily diet. It's the healthiest thirst-quencher by far, researchers say. If you don't like water, try lemonade, iced tea, or juice.
4. Red meat
This winter, when the respected journal Stroke published a study showing that women who consumed a large portion of red meat each day had a 42-percent higher incidence of stroke, it got nutrition experts talking. The information that red meat, with its high saturated fat content, isn't healthy for those looking to prevent heart disease and stroke wasn't exactly news. But the percentage increase (almost 50 percent!) was both startling and solid; the researchers arrived at their finding after following 35,000 Swedish women for ten years.
Why it's bad
Researchers have long known that the saturated fat in red meat raises the risk of stroke and heart disease by gradually clogging arteries with a buildup of protein plaques. Now it turns out that hemoglobin, the ingredient that gives red meat its high iron content, may pose a specific danger when it comes to stroke. Researchers are investigating whether blood becomes thicker and more viscous as a result of the consumption of so-called heme iron, specifically upping the chance of strokes.
What to do
Aim to substitute more poultry -- particularly white meat -- and fish, which are low in heme iron, for red meat. Also, choose the heart-healthiest sources of protein whenever you can, especially beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, and nonfat dairy.
5. Canned soup and prepared foods
Whether it's canned soup, canned spaghetti, or healthy-sounding frozen dinners, prepared foods and mixes rely on sodium to increase flavor and make processed foods taste fresher. Canned soup is cited by nutritionists as the worst offender; one can of canned chicken noodle soup contains more than 1,100 mg of sodium, while many other varieties, from clam chowder to simple tomato, have between 450 and 800 mg per serving. Compare that to the American Heart and Stroke Association's recommendation of less than1,500 mg of sodium daily and you'll see the problem. In fact, a nutritionist-led campaign, the National Salt Reduction Initiative, calls on food companies to reduce the salt content in canned soup and other products by 20 percent in the next two years.
Why it's bad
Salt, or sodium as it's called on food labels, directly affects stroke risk. In one recent study, people who consumed more than 4,000 mg of sodium daily had more than double the risk of stroke compared to those who ate 2,000 mg or less. Yet the Centers for Disease Control estimate that most Americans eat close to 3,500 mg of sodium per day. Studies show that sodium raises blood pressure, the primary causative factor for stroke. And be warned: Sodium wears many tricky disguises, which allow it to hide in all sorts of foods that we don't necessarily think of as salty. Some common, safe-sounding ingredients that really mean salt:
  • Baking soda
  • Baking powder
  • MSG (monosodium glutamate)
  • Disodium phosphate
  • Sodium alginate
What to do
Make your own homemade soups and entrees, then freeze individual serving-sized portions. Buy low-sodium varieties, but read labels carefully, since not all products marked "low sodium" live up to that promise.
10 Ways to Prevent a Stroke

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Video Link for MEdical Cnditions

This site is very informative, so please save it. You do not know when it will come handy

Which ever diseases you click-on it gives you a video explanation !!!!


NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or above... If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you start the tutorial.

This may be interesting for you.

· Diseases and Conditions

o Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

o Acne


o Allergies to Dust Mites

o Alopecia

o Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

o Angina

o Anthrax

o Arrhythmias

o Arthritis

o Asthma

o Atrial Fibrillation

o Avian Influenza

o Back Pain - How to Prevent

o Bell's Palsy

o Brain Cancer

o Breast Cancer

o Burns

o Cataracts

o Cerebral Palsy

o Cold Sores (Herpes)

o Colon Cancer

o Congestive Heart Failure

o COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

o Crohn's Disease

o Cystic Fibrosis

o Depression

o Diabetes - Eye Complications

o Diabetes - Foot Care

o Diabetes - Introduction

o Diabetes - Meal Planning

o Diverticulosis

o Endometriosis

o Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis)

o Erectile Dysfunction

o Fibromyalgia

o Flashes and Floaters

o Fractures and Sprains

o Ganglion Cysts

o Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

o Glaucoma

o Gout

o Hearing Loss

o Heart Attack

o Hepatitis B

o Hepatitis C

o Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

o Hypoglycemia

o Incisional Hernia

o Influenza

o Inguinal Hernia

o Irritable Bowel Syndrome

o Kidney Failure

o Kidney Stones

o Leishmaniasis

o Leukemia

o Low Testosterone

o Lung Cancer

o Lupus

o Lyme Disease

o Macular Degeneration

o Malaria

o Melanoma

o Meningitis

o Menopause

o Migraine Headache

o Mitral Valve Prolapse

o Multiple Myeloma

o Multiple Sclerosis

o Myasthenia Gravis

o Osteoarthritis

o Osteoporosis

o Otitis Media

o Ovarian Cancer

o Ovarian Cysts

o Pancreatitis

o Parkinson's Disease

o Pneumonia

o Prostate Cancer - What is it?

o Psoriasis

o Retinal Tear and Detachment

o Rheumatoid Arthritis

o Rotator Cuff Injuries

o Sarcoidosis

o Scabies

o Seizures and Epilepsy

o Sexually Transmitted Diseases

o Shingles

o Skin Cancer

o Sleep Disorders

o Smallpox

o Spinal Cord Injury

o Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)

o Tennis Elbow

o Tinnitus

o Trigeminal Neuralgia

o Tuberculosis

o Ulcerative Colitis

o Umbilical Hernia

o Uterine Fibroids

o Varicose Veins

o Vasculitis

o Warts

o Tests and Diagnostic Procedures

§ Amniocentesis

§ Barium Enema

§ Bone Densitometry

§ Breast Lumps - Biopsy

§ Bronchoscopy

§ Colonoscopy

§ Colposcopy

§ Coronary Angiogram and Angioplasty

§ CT Scan (CAT Scan)

§ Cystoscopy - Female

§ Cystoscopy - Male

§ Echocardiogram

§ Echocardiography Stress Test

§ IVP (Intra Venous Pyelogram)

§ Knee Arthroscopy

§ Laparoscopy

§ Mammogram


§ Myelogram

§ Newborn Screening

§ Pap Smear

§ Shoulder Arthroscopy

§ Sigmoidoscopy

§ Ultrasound

§ Upper GI Endoscopy

Surgery and Treatment Procedures

· Aorto-Bifemoral Bypass

· Cardiac Rehabilitation

· Carotid Endarterectomy

· Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

· Chemotherapy

· Cholecystectomy - Open Laparoscopic (Gallbladder Removal Surgery)

· Clinical Trials

· Colon Cancer Surgery

· Colostomy

· Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

· C-Section

· Dilation and Curettage

Thursday, August 11, 2011

methi na guno

લોહીને શુધ્ધ કરનારી મેથી તાવ, અરુચિ, ઊલટી, ઉધરસ, વાતરક્ત, વાયુ, કફ, મસા, કૃમિ તથા ક્ષય જેવી બીમારીને પણ ભગાડે છે.

•રોજ સવાર સાંજ 1-1 ગ્રામ મેથીના દાણા પાણી સાથે ગળી જવાથી ધૂંટણ તથા હાડકાંના સાંધાઓ મજબૂત થાય છે.
•વાયુના રોગો થતા નથી, ડાયાબિટીસ અને લોહીનું ઊંચું દબાણ પણ થતું નથી. શરીર સ્વસ્થ રહે છે
•શરીરની મેદસ્વીતા પણ નથી રહેતી
•મેથીને ઘીમાં સેકીને એનો લોટ બનાવવો. પછી એના લાડુ બનાવી રોજ એક લાડુ ખાવો. આઠ-દસ દિવસમાં જ વાયુને કારણે થતી હાથ-પગની પીડામાં લાભ થશે.
•ગરમીમાં લૂ લાગે ત્યારે મેથીની સૂકવેલી ભાજીને ઠંડાં પાણીમાં પલાળીને રાખવી. સારી રીતે પલળી જાય ત્યારે મસળીને, ગાળીને તે પાણી પીવાથી લાભ થાય છે.
•મેથીને દળી તેનુ ચુરણ બનાવી લો દરરોજ તેને ફાકો તમારી જોઈન્ટ્સની બધી જ પ્રોબ્લમ દુર થઈ જશે.
•મેથી વઘારમાં વપરાય છે. કેટલાક લોકો તેને આખી ને આખી ગળી જાય છે. જે મળ વાટે આખી નીકળતી નથી કારણ કે મેથીનું ઉપરનું પડ સૌમ્ય હોઇ તરત ફાટી જાય છે.
•ઘણા લાંબા સમયથી ઝીણો તાવ હોય, તાવ પછી અરુચિ, બેચેની, અશક્તિ ચાલુ હોય કે તાવ ઊતરી ગયા બાદ વારંવાર ઊથલો મારતો હોય તો મેથી ઉત્તમ કામ કરશે.
•મહિલાઓને સુવાવડ પછી કમરનો દુખાવો, સફેદ પાણી પડવું, ગભૉશયનું પહેલા જેવું સંકોચન ન થવું, લોહી ઓછું થઇ જવું વગેરેમાં મેથીનો ઉપયોગ કરવો પરમ હિતકર છે.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Bilva patra (hindi) - also known as leaves of Bael tree (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos) is known to help in colitis and related issues

Bilva patra (hindi) - also known as leaves of Bael tree (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos)
1. Delivery related problems
2. One of the elements of Dashamul
3. Diabetes – bilva fruit;
4. Diabetes – bilva + neem+ tulsi + blackpaper
5. Excessive sexual desire – make paste of leaves add misree (crystallized sugar)??
6. Muh ke chhale – grind it and apply

Muh ke chhale - boils or ulcers in mouth

  • Bilva patra (hindi) - also known as leaves of Bael tree (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos) is known to help cure boils in the mouth.
    • grind the bilva patra leaves and apply to affected area will immediately reduce pain and will cure the boils in a couple of days. 
  • Tulsi leaves are known to cure boils / ulcers in mount. chew and eat 4-5 tulsi leaves (basil leaves) in morning and evening followed by a glass of water for a couple of days shows good results .
  • Make Paste of Coriander(Dhaniya or cilatro) leaves and apply on to mouth ulcer 2-3 times in a day. This is known give relief from mouth ulcers.

  • Chewing 2-3 tender Amrood (Gauva) leaves for a few days will cure boils


  • gudhal, jasvant,  of hibiscus plant is very common and available in all parts of the world.

  • chewing of 3- 4 leaves / petals to be chewed . this can cure  muh ke chhale , boils and ulcers


  • chewingg of Kadamb leaves  (spit out the juice) can cure muh ke chhale , boils and ulcers


  • chewingg of Durva grass (the one we use for puja( can cure muh ke chhale , boils and ulcers


  • chew bhui aamba leaves  to get rid of muk ke chaale and gums problem 


  • brung raaj na tel( oil of brungraaj ) na 4 drops to be put in left ear (for pain in right side gums


  • chew punarnava leaves for muh ke chhale

bilva patra, also known as leaves of Bael tree, (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos) is also a good cure for the following health issues
1. Delivery related problems
2. One of the elements of Dashamul
3. Diabetes – bilva fruit;
4. Diabetes – bilva + neem+ tulsi + blackpaper
5. reduce excessive sexual desire – make paste of leaves add misree (crystallized sugar)
6. Muh ke chhale – grind it and apply
7. Colitis – use bilva patra as per guidelines.

The information given in this web site is for general guidance only. The individuals must consult competent advisers. The material provided here is not intended to be personal and professional advice. the reader must not use the information to diagnose or treat a health problem. the advice is not expected to replace advice of a qualified Doctor for such treatment.  people using the information given in this web site is doing so at his/her own risk. 

Pregnancy - Delivery related problems

Use of Bilva patra (hindi) - also known as leaves of Bael tree (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos) during pregnancy is known to improve chances of Normal Delivery and eliminate compications and problems during the delivery .


Bilva patra (hindi) - also known as leaves of Bael tree (botanical name: Aegle Marmelos) is also usefull in follwing health related problems

1. Delivery related problems
2. One of the elements of Dashamul
3. Diabetes – bilva fruit;
4. Diabetes – bilva + neem+ tulsi + blackpaper
5. Excessive sexual desire – make paste of leaves add misree (crystallized sugar)??
6. Muh ke chhale – grind it and apply
7. Colitis – how?

Monday, March 7, 2011

blood sugar unit conversion

blood sugar unit conversion
